Special Needs Policy


Our aims

We believe that any children, who have special needs, have a right to access all areas of the curriculum i.e. E.Y.F.S. If a child has additional needs we will endeavour to ensure he/she accesses the curriculum with appropriate help. We will work closely with parents at all times because their knowledge of their child is deep and informative. We will all work together for the benefit of the child, taking into account anything the child says. We aim to work within the guidelines laid out in the Dfe Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of children with special educational needs.

Definition of Special or Additional Needs

Additional needs can include learning, social, emotional, physical, medical, behavioural or communication and language needs. It may be that any of these needs results in a child having more difficulty learning than his/her peers.

Identifying special needs

These may be identified by:


Playdays staff

Medical staff

Social Services

Health Visitor etc

Further assessment will be made by the staff at Playdays, and the parents or carers. Staff will observe and discuss the strengths and difficulties, and fill out the Playdays Diagnostic List half termly, as in the S.E.N. folder. We access the child’s development through observations that we have carried out. The setting SENCO is Heather Kirby.

Graduated Response

When the nursery has a concern for a child, it may be necessary to offer different opportunities or use alternative approaches to their learning. The child’s progress will be recorded through written observations, which will be kept on file.

If the Nursery is still concerned about a child, the SENCO, or key worker will discuss the concern with the parents. Parents will then be kept informed of how we monitor and address the concern. If further action is felt necessary, written Parents Permission will be sought, before we consult with our Early Years Support Teacher.

Meeting the children’s needs

Early Years Action

If any member of staff expresses concerns for a child that may need extra support, the key worker, and then the setting SENCO will be informed. If it is decided that the concerns are justified, an Individual Education Plan [I.E.P.] is set up. This will document the child’s progress in relation to targets through observations and evidence of learning, and then recorded. At the review, we access the child’s progress and decide whether another I.E.P. needs to be implemented.

An I.E.P is ‘a planning, teaching and reviewing tool, which underpins the process of planning intervention for the individual child.’

SMART targets underpin good I.E.P.s

When reviewing I.E.P.s staff should consider the extra needs of the child, and what help needs to be given.

Parent’s must sign a declaration to allow the nursery to complete an I.E.P. and for the setting Advisor to observe the child.

Early Years Action Plus

The SENCO seeks parental permission before any external agencies are involved. The Area SENCO can then advise staff to help enhance the child’s progress. A new I.E.P. is developed, and if we feel the child needs additional support e.g. one-to-one, we can then apply to the single area panel, or set up a C.A.F.

Statutory Assessment

In conjunction with the parents and the relevant professionals, formal assessment and procedures relating to the possibility of the child having a Statement of Special Educational Needs will be considered. I.E.P.s will be maintained and reviews will be in place if ever needed.


Liaisons are built up with other professionals, such as the Area SENCO, Speech therapists, Health visitors, Social Services, paediatrician and Schools, to ensure that we offer the best possible care available to the child.

Partnership with Parents    

The nursery SENCO will always approach parents in a confidential environment, and in a sensitive manner.

We will always obtain parental permission before contacting any professionals outside the setting.

All parents/carers will be provided with the opportunity to be involved in the decision making process affecting their child’s needs.

Parents will always be kept informed of their child’s progress.


We will always do everything possible to ensure every child with special needs can access all the curriculum, and always listen to the parents and keep the parents informed at all times of any concerns, or what we can do to enhance the child’s learning.

We will continue to review, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our S.E.N provision, and ensure all staff especially the Setting SENCO have continued training opportunities.




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